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1. Essential,
   not Expendable

A contradiction of capitalism is the existence of people whose marginalization both economically and socially is essential to the proper functioning of the economy.To recognize another's humanity is to treat that person with dignity, regardless of legal status in a particular location.  Access to jobs, education, housing and a healthy environment in which to live are foundational supports for essential workers in any economic system.


2. No Justice,  
    No Security

We know the security of any system only exists in so far as the individuals and communities supporting that system are themselves secure. As long as workers are vulnerable to coercive threats from employers and the state the food system will not be secured..

3. Protection of Workers
    & Environment is
    Good Business


The food system will be secure when workers are owners, when they are well paid and their families are well fed and housed decently. The food system will be secure when farmworkers are known and respected as land stewards. The food system will be secure when animals meet their end in culturally appropriate ways that honor the relationship between humans and our animal relations.

4. Equity in Risk    
    and Opportunity

The essential but expendable paradigm reveals that some are called upon to potentially sacrifice their lives for the well being of the economy. Essential workers should have access to greater opportunities in housing, education and healthcare equal to the proportion of risk (e.g., measured by death, dismemberment, chronic disease, shortened lifespan, etc.) that they endure for the sake of “our” economic system.

5. Nurture economies of      solidarity and                  resilience

Vulnerable communities have long created economies that leverage local assets in historically rooted, culturally appropriate and mutually supportive ways. It is critical that these supportive networks are nurtured as they provide critical structures of resilience and resistance to communities that are marginalized in the current food system.

6. Land based,
    People based

Our resilience is rooted in land and the capacities of people in our communities.  


7. We Elevate and Amplify
    (Essential) Worker          Voices

None are liberated until all are liberated. We recognize every human being has the ability to work towards liberation and become self-sufficient by creating necessary systems. In a liberated society every voice is lifted and every one of us is visible and our contributions are recognized. 

© 2020  Project Protect :: Food Systems

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